How to avoid Craigslist Flagging – Posting Bros
why - missed connections - craigslist Why is there some asshole that keeps flagging my ad? its up for only about an hour, and some douchebag who doesnt have the balls to answer this ad keeps flagging my ads. So EVERYONE is getting flagged now. If I cannot post on here- NO ONE can . do NOT … Craigslist ad keeps getting flagged / removed as soon as I Jul 25, 2009 What is Flagging on Craigslist and how to avoid it?
Dec 08, 2008
Here are my tips how to post several ads on Craigslist without getting banned: 1. Always se different ip for each Craigslist post. Also use different email for each Craigslist post. 2. Always use different descriptions in Craigslist ads, never repeat the same descriptions. Otherwise your Craigslist post will get flagged. 3.
3 legged female kitten - pets -
2 kittens update both kittens are gone thank you very much 2 kittens need good homes must go asap as I am not home alot and unfair for them to be alone all day my ad keeps getting flagged all I'm trying to do is find them good loving homes better than just dropping them off somewhere they have had their first shots one female one Male a rehoming fee is required which is the cost of the vet and to assure they will be taken care of thank you please posting on craigslist !! My ads keep getting flagged