Jul 10, 2020
Whenever a computer or mobile device is stolen or lost, there are two areas of concern: The loss of a physical asset, and; The potential exposure of sensitive information that either may be stored on the device, or may be accessible by default by anyone who has physical access to the device. Review: Your PC was just stolen! What do you do? The software and data on your computer is valuable — it would be a good idea to protect them. Now to repeat the questions: Your computer was just stolen, now what do you do? If you are using one of these products, you report your computer stolen and prepare to help the local authorities recover your computer. What Should I Do if My Driver’s License Number Is Stolen Oct 24, 2018 If your Mac is lost or stolen - Apple Support Dec 12, 2019
What to do if your computer, tablet or smartphone is
Jul 10, 2020
What to Do If Your Computer Is Hacked | CactusVPN
Under certain circumstances Mozy can help locate a stolen laptop by tracing the IP address of the last backup. Important: Do not suspend the user, delete the machine in question, or remove it from your account. An IP trace can only be performed if a backup occurs from the computer after it has been lost. How Your Credit Card Information Is Stolen and What to Do